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What is the Work My Way program?
The Work my Way Employment Program is a job ready program that offers pre-employment skills, career exploration, and hands-on practical work experience support for school leavers and adults who wish to get started on their employment journey.
Work my Way features modules tailored to the specific needs of participants.
It is designed to build skills and confidence as you work towards a pathway to employment. In addition to our customised employment modules, participants are offered one-on-one support from one of our employment mentors to guide them on their way to success.
Explore your social and career aspirations, build your skills and achieve your goals
How can I benefit from joining the program?
Key features of the program include:
- Flexibility to work toward individual skill development and explore social and career aspirations
- Support for our participants to identify goals for career aspirations, followed by a customised program to achieve these goals
- A customised approach which includes face-to-face hours, individualised support and small group work components
- Work experience support, which will assist in meeting career and social goals, as well as developing interpersonal, problem solving, organisation skills and the confidence to be independent in the workforce.
The Work my Way program is designed to enable individuals to explore their potential and provide opportunities to develop employability and social skills.
The Work my Way program delivers
- Autism specific content and support.
- Autism experienced Trainers and Mentors
- Structured learning and opportunities to practise new skills
- Connections to further education, employment services and employers.
How can I access the program?
To register your interest in Work My Way program, please fill out the form below:
Work My Way
For more information about supports and services at Autism SA, or to register your interest for a program, please contact us on 1300 288 476 or email at
Autism SA is accredited and registered as a provider through the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA). This means that you can pay for services at Autism SA with your NDIS funding, or you may pay yourself, through fee for service.

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