What is Early Years Support for Educators?
Autism SA’s highly skilled and friendly Early Childhood Advisors focus on capacity building for early childhood professionals and learning support staff in childcare centres, kindergartens and preschools with the aim of working together to build successful education outcomes.
How can I benefit from the program?
Early Childhood Advisors use evidence-based strategies to work collaboratively with the team around the child, including family, early childhood educators, and other professionals.
- Supporting transitions including between activities and inside and outside play
- Identifying the child’s strengths and areas for support
- Identifying and supporting sensory preferences
- Participation during group time
- Supporting safety skills within the education setting
- Supporting transition to school
- Nurturing the growth of self-care skills
How can I access the program?
Our Early Years Support for educators is available across all education sectors in childcare and preschool settings in South Australia.
To access support from our team through the Department for Education’s Children and Students with Disability (CSWD) initiative, the child must have a formal autism diagnosis and be registered with Autism SA. Once registered, staff at the child’s early childhood setting (e.g. childcare or kindergarten) can submit the form below
Request for Service
To learn more please contact us on 1300 288 476 or email at contactus@autismsa.org.au.
If you are a parent or carer of an autistic child you can access our Early Childhood Support program through the NDIS or fee for service.