What is Counselling?
Individual counselling may be helpful for individuals on the autism spectrum who have mental health concerns and have the capacity and willingness to engage in talk therapy.
Using various evidence-based counselling modalities, therapy may focus on increasing personal insight, improving self-awareness, developing relationship skills, and changing unhelpful thoughts, feelings and behaviours.
Counselling is delivered through a series of direct therapy sessions, plus resource development and a therapy report that may include recommendations for ongoing intervention, if required.
Autism SA counsellors hold the appropriate qualifications for registration with the Australian Counselling Association. They may also have additional training in psychology, mental health, disability support, autism and crisis intervention.
How can I benefit from counselling?
Psychology, behaviour support and counselling can help autistic individuals to gain new personal insight and understanding. These forms of therapy can bring relief from many different issues by providing an opportunity to express thoughts and feelings, and teaching new ways of solving problems.
Practices can be developed that can support an individual, or a supporter, to reduce barriers to improve quality of life in numerous ways.
Counselling for children aged 0-6 years can provide support in the development of relationship skills and address behaviours of concern.
School years
Autism SA provides counselling services for school aged children tailored to meet the needs of the individual. Counselling can focus on supporting individuals on the autism spectrum to have greater personal insight and self-awareness, and develop relationship skills.
School leavers & adults
Counselling services are designed in accordance with current research and evidence, and can be offered as part of a range of intervention programs. They are designed to meet the needs of the individual and can focus on increasing self-awareness and personal insight, and developing relationship skills. Counselling can also provide support for autistic adults to challenge unhelpful thoughts, feelings and behaviours.
How can I access the service?
For more information about supports and services at Autism SA, please contact us on 1300 288 476 or email at contactus@autismsa.org.au.
Autism SA is accredited and registered as a provider through the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA). This means that you can pay for services at Autism SA with your NDIS funding, or you may pay yourself, through fee for service.
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