What is Early Childhood Support – NDIS?
Help your child get the most out of their home and community to prepare them for a positive start!
Autism SA’s highly skilled and friendly Early Childhood support is individualised for little ones aged 0-7 years old. We work with families to create goals and provide supports and strategies to achieve them.
Our family-centred Early Childhood Practitioners use evidence-informed strategies to work collaboratively with the team around your child, including family, early childhood educators, and other professionals. We work together to encourage everyday learning and foster new skills that can be used at home, childcare, preschool, playgroups and in the community.
Our team can deliver this support at home, in an early childhood education and care setting (e.g. childcare or kindergarten), or at an Autism SA site.
How can I benefit from the program?
Early Childhood Practitioners provide support, skills, and strategies in a wide range of areas, including but not limited to:
- Supporting behaviours of concern, safety, and emotional regulation
- Everyday living skills development, e.g. routines, sleeping and toileting
- Communication, including the development and use of visual communication supports
- Social development and play skills
- Separation, transition, and managing change
- Supporting sensory preferences
In addition, our team can support the team around the child in:
- Identifying the child’s unique abilities and setting meaningful goals
- Promoting the child’s learning and participation
- Positive behaviour support
- Transition to preschool and/or school
- Understanding what autism is, and what it means for your child and your family
- Establishment of daily routines
- Key worker capacity including addressing functional needs and the collaboration of therapeutic supports
How can I access the program?
Early Childhood Support can be provided in Metro Adelaide at childcare centres, kindergartens, early learning centres, preschools, at home and at our Tonsley and Elizabeth hubs. Also available by telehealth.
Register your interest
Autism SA is accredited and registered as a provider through the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA). This means that you can pay for services at Autism SA with your NDIS funding, or you may pay yourself, through fee for service.
To learn more please contact us on 1300 288 476 or email us at contactus@autismsa.org.au.
If you are an early childhood educator you can access our Early Years Support program (funded by the Department for Education’s Children and Students with Disability (CSWD) grant.