Age Groups, Days & Times3-17
Locations |
Your Host / CoordinatorAutism SA Occupational Therapists, Speech Pathologists and Facilitators |
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What are School Holiday Programs?
School holiday programs at Autism SA are where children aged 3-17 are supported to engage in activities that can help with the development of life skills, social and communication skills and friendships.
Have fun and make new friends while developing a range of life, social and communication skills.
A variety of different programs are delivered each school holidays. Read below to learn more about therapeutic programs coming up next.
Therapeutic programs
Autism SA’s therapeutic school holiday programs are smaller groups delivered by Occupational Therapists and Speech Pathologists at a range of times and locations.
During the upcoming School Holidays we will be running the following activities:
- On your marks, get set, school! (3-6 years)
- Aqua Skills (3-9 years)
- Lego Club (7-12 years)
- Dungeons and Dragons (8-12 years and 13-17 years)
- Fidget Masterclass (9-12 years)
Read more about each group and register below.
On your marks, get set, school!
Ages 3 – 6
On your marks, get set, school! is a whole-family approach to ensuring your little one is set up for success starting school.
Starting school is a big deal, not just for children but for the whole family. Morning routines must change and adjust; children are entering a new big phase of their lives, and parents carry a range of emotions as their little one grows and makes their next big step into the world.
Our program will:
- Work with you to set up routines that set up calm before school.
- Help you navigate the school system and arm you with what to expect.
- Create individualised, useful tools, strategies, and resources to support the transition.
Aqua Skills
Ages 3 – 8
Autism SA’s Kids Aqua Skills School Holiday Program is a fun and skill-building group program run by Occupational Therapists and Speech Pathologists for children aged 3-8 years old. This program will run from Paragon Swim Centre, Modbury and Proswim Swimming Centre, Plympton.
The program will consist of a ratio of 4 therapists to 4 participants, focusing on developing skills related to water familiarisation, buoyancy, mobility, and water safety. These activities also include opportunities to target communication, language, play, and social skills in the water.
Participants in Kids Aqua Skills have the opportunity to engage with their peers in a facilitated group environment with additional support for participants that require 1:1 support.
The program is delivered as a program of support and sessions are run over 3 consecutive days for 45 minutes each, with an additional 15 minutes allocated to each group to debrief with parents/caregivers and complete documentation requirements.
LEGO® Club
Ages 7 -12
The LEGO® Club Group is based on the principles of LEGO®-Based Therapy. It is a structured program, where participants take on a distinct role and then work as a team, following step-by-step visual and verbal instructions, to complete a LEGO® creation.
LEGO® Club supports skill development in a range of areas, including:
- Attention and focus
- Expressive and receptive communication
- Turn taking and sharing
- Conversation and social engagement
- Problem solving and decision making
- Fine motor skills
- Social interaction and cooperative play
- Emotional regulation
And… it’s fun!!
Register for LEGO ClubDungeons and Dragons
Ages 8 – 12 & AGES 13 – 17
The Dungeons and Dragons group will be facilitated by a multidisciplinary team including Occupational Therapists and Speech Pathologists. This group is tailored towards autistic participants aged 13-17 years old. The program focuses on supporting social, communication, language and problem-solving skills through the game Dungeons and Dragons.
Participants will collaborate to create an adventure whilst implementing strategies and solving different mysteries, puzzles and encounters. The group will be supported to engage and work together as a team and overcome different challenges as they arise. The participants will learn about different social communication preferences, explore different forms of play whilst building on their self-advocacy skills within social interactions.
Fidget Masterclass
Ages 9 – 12
How can I access School Holiday Programs?
For more information about supports and services at Autism SA please contact us on 1300 288 476 or email at
Autism SA is accredited and registered as a provider through the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA). This means that you can pay for services at Autism SA with your NDIS funding, or you may pay yourself, through fee for service.

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