How to Apply for Research Approval from Autism SA
Researchers are welcome to submit research applications to the Autism SA Professional Practice Committee.
Applications will be reviewed by the Committee in terms of their relevance to, and impact on, the autistic community in South Australia, and to ensure that the wellbeing of participants is safeguarded.
Approved projects will be promoted to the wider autism community through a variety of marketing channels, in order to encourage participation. This also ensures that the views, experiences and opinions of people on the spectrum and their families are sufficiently represented and reflected in any research.
Autism SA’s standard listing package consists of publication in one edition of Infomail, Autism SA’s monthly e-news that goes out to 10,000 people, one social post on the Autism SA Facebook page with 16,000 followers and display on Autism SA’s Currently Recruiting Participants web page for the duration of the recruitment period specified below. In special circumstances additional advertising mediums may be discussed. The cost for this service is $300 inc GST for commercial entities and $150 inc GST for not-for-profits and government agencies.
The application process
The Professional Practice Committee considers research applications throughout the year and it usually takes around 2 to 3 weeks to reach an outcome.
For a research project to be considered, the Committee requests that you submit the following:
- Completed Request to Research Application form which will also request the below information
- Copy of your ethics proposal and ethics approval
- Copy of advertisement, pamphlets, etc.
- Completed Request to Advertise form
- Any research instruments that will be used and which are relevant to this part of the project (e.g., interview script, questionnaire, survey software, etc.)
After the project
Once a research project is complete, Autism SA requests:
- A brief summary report (1 to 2 pages) and a paragraph abstract of the outcomes and findings for the Autism SA website and Infomail Community Newsletter; and
- One copy of the final report for inclusion in the Autism SA Resource Centre.

Click below to complete the online application and upload the required documents, you will have the option to save and return later should this be required.
Apply Online Now
Click below to download the application, completed applications can be emailed to or posted to PO Box 556 Melrose Park DC SA 5039 – For attention: The Professional Practice Committee
Download PDF applicationOnce the above has been received, the Committee will review your proposal and contact you with a response.
If you would like further advice or information prior to submitting a research application, please telephone Autism SA on 1300 288 476