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Autism SA’s Commitment to Research

Autism SA is committed to supporting research into autism that supports the growth of professional and community understanding. We review submissions from researchers whose aim is to increase the body of knowledge about autism, and promote approved research to the wider community.

Research makes an important contribution to the range, quality and reach of the services that Autism SA delivers. It informs our programs, services and therapies, and helps us support people in the autistic community to live the lives they choose in an inclusive society.

Autism SA provides opportunities for people on the autism spectrum and their families to participate in research, and to make their own contribution to the growing body of research in Australia.

Researchers are encouraged to review current guiding reports, policies, Strategy, and to engage with the Autistic and autism community to identify current research priorities.

These include, but are not limited to;

Click below to find out more about research and Autism SA.