What is speech pathology?
Speech Pathologists support individuals who have a range of communication difficulties, including speaking, listening, understanding, using language and applying it in various contexts and environments for two-way communication. Autism SA’s Speech Pathology team also works closely with other allied health professionals, such as Occupational Therapists, Social Workers and Psychologists.
All Autism SA Speech Pathologists are regulated by the professional body Speech Pathology Australia and are recognised Certified Practicing Speech Pathologists (CPSP).
Our Speech Pathology team also provides support for individuals specifically in the area of Alternative and Augmentative Communication and can assess, provide device trials and recommendations for individuals with no or limited spoken communication.
Autism SA also has Speech Pathologists who are additionally trained and have experience in supporting individuals who experience difficulties swallowing food or drink and engaging successfully in mealtimes.
Individuals on the autism spectrum of all ages can benefit from the support provided by speech pathologists.
How can I benefit from speech pathology?
Our Speech Pathology Team can support people of all ages who desire support in the following areas:
- Understanding spoken and written language
- Expressing language and using functional words and sentences
- Articulation and speech clarity
- Fluency/ stuttering
- Play and interaction skills
- Using voice
- Social skills
- Pre-literacy, reading and writing
Our therapists and clinicians can work to help:
- Promote the development of networks and relationships
- Build skills and develop independence in communication
- Increase participation at home and in the community
Early Years
Speech Pathologists work with children and their families to support the child’s needs, interests and priorities. While children grow and develop at their own rate, your child may benefit from seeing a Speech Pathologist to support the development of skills such as:
- Interaction and early communication development (gesturing, talking, listening, understanding)
- Cognitive skills (e.g. thinking, learning, problem-solving)
- Social–emotional skills (playing, understanding feelings, making friends)
School Aged
Therapy can be delivered to your child in their school environment, as well as at home or at a clinic. Speech Pathologists offer a range of supports to people on the autism spectrum and their families which include:
- Promoting the development relationships with similarly aged peers
- Developing literacy and reading skills
- Increasing participation in group learning opportunities
- Understanding and responding to more complex questions and longer instructions
- Using expressive language to participate in a group and for oral presentations.
- Developing inferencing, predicting and problem-solving skills
Our therapists and clinicians work with the person with autistic individuals and their family or allies to:
- Promote the development of networks and relationships
- Build skills and develop independence in communication
- Increase participation at home and in the community
Please note: Our speech pathology team, who have significant experience in working with individuals across the lifespan, can support individuals to develop skills, strengths and reduce difficulties to enhance quality of life and wellbeing.
How can I access speech pathology?
To register your interest in Speech Pathology please fill out the form below:
Speech Pathology
No waitlist We currently have appointments available in Adelaide (Tonsley and Elizabeth) for children (paediatric) and adults.
For more information about supports and services at Autism SA, please contact us on 1300 288 476 or email at contactus@autismsa.org.au.
Autism SA is accredited and registered as a provider through the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA). This means that you can pay for services at Autism SA with your NDIS funding, or you may pay yourself, through fee for service.
Frequently asked questions
When should I consider making a referral to a speech pathologist?
A referral to a Speech Pathologist should be considered when:
- An individual has a desire to enhance communication
- An individual is having difficulty understanding what is said, or following instructions
- An individual’s speech is hesitant or dysfluent
- An individual uses limited or no spoken language and does not have functional communication
- An individual is experiencing difficulty reading
- An individual is having difficulty using their language to socially interact to a desired level
- An individual has a limited diet, and/or has difficulty chewing and swallowing food and fluids
- Mealtimes are challenging
The following people and professionals are able to make a direct referral to see one of Autism SA’s speech pathologists:
- Individuals – self referral
- Parents/carers
- General Practitioners
- Child Health Nurses
- Other health professionals
- Childcare workers, kindergarten and school teachers
- Community health organisations
What services do Autism SA speech pathologists provide?
Our team offers a broad range of individualised services and supports that include:
- Assessment of speech, language and literacy
- Alternative and Augmentative Communication (AAC) assessment
- 1:1 therapy
- Group therapy including AAC, mealtime and social communication skills
- Multi-disciplinary mealtime assessments, including the implementation of Oral Eating and Drinking Care Plans and Mealtime Support Plans for adults
- Parent education/training, and
- Non-face-to-face services including individualised resources and clinical information.
The Speech Pathology team also works closely with other allied health professionals, such as occupational therapists, social workers and psychologists.
How can I arrange a speech pathology assessment?
Contact us on 1300 288 476 to enquire about the supports and services that we have available, or the groups and programs that are currently running.
Where can I attend a speech therapy session?
You can access Autism SA Speech Therapy services as face-to-face sessions in a range of locations, including:
- Autism SA’s Tonsley or Elizabeth clinics
- Your childcare centre or kindergarten
- At school
- In your home, and
- Online via Telehealth.
What funding options are available?
Autism SA is accredited and registered as a provider through the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA).
Speech pathology services can also be provided through a fee for service arrangement.
Enquire about Speech Pathology