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Links to Autism SA policies and procedures


Commitment to safeguarding

Autism SA is committed to safeguarding our clients. Autism SA staff are subject to employment checks prior to, and throughout, their employment and receive ongoing training and development on safeguarding. Visit this page to learn more about safeguarding.

Visit the Commitment to Safeguarding page


Autism SA Residential Care Standards

Individuals living in our residential services will enjoy a good quality of life and live in a place that feels like home, one that upholds their personal dignity and respects their privacy.

The Autism SA Residential Care Standards provide a framework of the minimum standards expected in our residential services.

Click here to read Autism SA residential care standards


Individual needs and evidence informed practice

At Autism SA, we are committed to respecting every interaction we have with our clients. We achieve this through person-centred approaches, and evidence informed practices. Visit this page to learn more about individual needs and evidence informed practice.

Visit the Individual needs and evidence informed practice page


Zero tolerance to abuse

At Autism SA we have zero tolerance to verbal, aggressive and violent abuse and behaviour towards our staff, clients and visitors.

Verbal, aggressive and violent abuse and behaviour will not be tolerated.

Our staff are trained and dedicated to help you. You will always be treated with courtesy and respect. We ask that you, and anyone with you, treat our staff with the same courtesy and respect.

Any abusive behaviour will result in the police being called.

Be kind.pdf policy


Whistleblower policy

At Autism SA we want to give people the confidence to speak up and help us to identify any wrongdoing or misconduct. Visit this page to learn more about our Whistleblower Policy.

Visit the Whistleblower policy page


Privacy policy

Visit this page to read Autism SA’s Privacy Policy.

Visit the Privacy Policy page


Service Agreement – Things to think about (Easy Read)

Visit this page to read The Easy Read Version of ‘Autism SA Service Agreement – Things to think about’

View the Service Agreement – Things to think about (Easy Read Version)


Service Cancellation Policy

Autism SA is committed to delivering client services. This policy is about providing you with information about when you are charged for services if you cancel a service or if Autism SA has to cancel a service.

Click here to read the cancellation policy


Language Position Statement

Language is a powerful way to promote positivity and to influence perceptions, attitudes and beliefs. Language preferences are deeply individual.

As an organisation, Autism SA is continuously listening and reviewing the use of language relating to autism to ensure that current views are represented in our written and spoken language.

We strive to identify and reflect an individual’s language preferences whenever possible.

To ensure we are reflecting the diverse language preferences of the Autism SA community in our published works and other material, Autism SA as an organisation will ensure that processes are in place to include each individual client’s preferences.

More generally, in our published material and other work, we have developed an Autism SA Language Guide which has recently undergone an update. This guide aims to support all staff in using language around autism that is endorsed by Autism SA. In addition, we have updated our Autism SA Language Position Statement which shares our language position publicly.

We encourage everyone to take time to review the guidelines and to use the considered terminology in spoken and written language. We are committed to continuously seeking feedback from the Autistic, autism and Autism SA community, including our workforce. Please direct all feedback to

Click here to read Language Position Statement


Terms and conditions

Visit this page to read the Terms and Conditions for NDIS and FFS services.

Visit the Terms and Conditions page