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Safeguarding at Autism SA

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Click here to read ‘Safeguarding at Autism SA’ in Easy English


Autism SA is committed to safeguarding our clients. Autism SA staff are subject to employment checks prior to, and throughout, their employment and receive ongoing training and development on safeguarding.

All Autism SA staff are mandated notifiers who have appropriate training and understanding of child protection concerns, with an obligation to report these to the Department of Child Protections where concerns arise.

Adult safeguarding

Autism SA staff is committed to the safety and wellbeing of vulnerable adults. We work in line with the South Australian Charter of the Rights and Freedoms of Vulnerable Adults. Staff understand these rights and work to empower vulnerable adults in understanding their rights. To find out more about the ASU and the Charter of the Rights and Freedoms of Vulnerable Adults please visit the SA Health website. You can read your rights in an Easy Read version by clicking here or on the button below.

Click here for the ‘South Australian Charter of the Rights and Freedoms of Vulnerable Adults’ Easy Read Version


Child and young person safeguarding

Autism SA endorses the Charter of Rights for Children and Young People in Care. Our staff understand the rights set out in the Charter and work to promote these within their practice. Staff are confident having open discussions with, and providing appropriate resources to, children and young people in care to ensure that they know their rights. To find out more about the Charter of Rights for Children and Young People in Care, please visit the Office of the Guardian for Children and Young People website.

While this Charter focuses on children and young people in care, Autism SA ensures the principles of the Charter are also applied when working with children and young people in other out of home care arrangements.

Autism SA Safeguarding Lead

At Autism SA, we have a dedicated Safeguarding Lead who is independent, unbiased and responsible for supporting our staff and clients who have safeguarding concerns. If you would like to discuss Safeguarding at Autism SA or would like to discuss any concerns, please contact our Safeguarding Lead at

If you have concerns regarding the abuse or neglect of an individual, please contact the appropriate service;

  • South Australian Abuse Prevention Phone Line (Adult Safeguarding Unit) on 1800 372 310 or at
  • Child Abuse Report Line (CARL) on 13 14 78
  • In an emergency, always call 000

Onsite supervision

We are committed to the safety and protection of our clients and community.

As part of our commitment we have special considerations for children and young people under the age of 16 receiving therapy, assessment or group services with us.

In our premises

  • Parents or persons responsible must remain on site for the entire time of the session.
  • This may include attending the therapy, assessment or group session with their child or young person or staying in the waiting area.
  • If parents or persons responsible wish to remain in their vehicle during the session, their vehicle must be located in the allocated parking area, and the employee undertaking the session and reception staff must be notified this is where they will be during the session. They must be present in the waiting area at the end of the session.

In the client’s home 

  • Parents or persons responsible must remain on site for the entire time of the session.
  • If the parent or person responsible leaves the home the session will be terminated, and our employee will leave the home.
Click here to read Onsite supervision of under 16s’ in Easy English


Incident Management

At Autism SA, we have a responsibility to provide supports and services to you in a safe way and to take steps to prevent harm, abuse and neglect.

We try to reduce the risk of incidents (including near misses). We will ensure the health, wellbeing and immediate safety of the people involved in an incident. We will investigate the incident and keep you informed. We will give you an outcome of our investigation and what actions we have taken to prevent the incident from happening again.

Our Incident Management Policy will give you more information about how we manage incidents. We also have an Easy English version of this policy.

Complaints and feedback

If you have a concern about your supports or services, it is important that you talk about it. You have the right to speak up and share your feelings on any of the services or supports you receive from us. We know that sometimes it is hard to provide bad feedback, but it helps us to understand what is important to you and helps us to improve so we are better for you and other people we support.

Go to our feedback and complaints webpage for more information.