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Professional Practice Committee Request to Research

By submitting your application to the Professional Practice Committee you are acknowledging acceptance of the following conditions should your project be approved:

  • Contact details for researchers and supervisors that are provided on this Request to Research form may be displayed on the Autism SA website and accessible by the public
  • Current and past research projects will be listed on the Autism SA website indefinitely
  • Autism SA requires one copy of the final report for inclusion in the Digital Resource Centre
  • A brief summary report and paragraph abstract of the outcomes and findings is required for distribution via the Autism SA website, and other online platforms
  • Researchers may be requested by Autism SA to present their outcomes and findings at conferences and seminars hosted by Autism SA at no cost.

This research application must be completed by the principal researcher and should also include the required supporting documentation detailed below. If all materials are not available at the time of application you may select to “Save and Continue Later” from the bottom of the application but please note that the application will not be submitted until you click the “Submit” button at the end.

  • Your ethics proposal
  • Your ethics approval
  • Advertising materials
  • Copies of the research instrument documents (must not link to the instruments)
  • Research Application

    Any details provided via this form may be displayed to the public. Please do not include private residential addresses or telephone numbers. Autism SA’s standard listing package consists of publication in one edition of Infomail, Autism SA’s monthly e-news that goes out to 10,000 people, one social post on the Autism SA Facebook page with 16,000 followers and display on Autism SA’s Currently Recruiting Participants web page for the duration of the recruitment period specified below. In special circumstances additional advertising mediums may be discussed. The cost for this service is $300 inc GST for commercial entities and $150 inc GST for not-for-profits and government agencies.
  • List participating institution/s
  • Project details

  • Project name as it appears on your ethics application
  • DD slash MM slash YYYY
  • DD slash MM slash YYYY
  • The Professional Practice Committee reviews research applications to safeguard Autism SA’s clients. Please provide a project summary no longer than 250 words which clearly indicates the benefits of your research to the Autistic community, including how you expect Autism SA to assist you:
  • Risks

  • Incentives for Participants

  • Supporting documentation

  • Max. file size: 25 MB.
  • Max. file size: 25 MB.
  • Max. file size: 25 MB.
  • Please upload all advertising materials for review.
    Drop files here or
    Max. file size: 1,000 MB.
    • Please upload all research instruments (interview scripts, survey questions, answer sheets, software, etc)
      Drop files here or
      Max. file size: 1,000 MB.
      • Add a website link to the research instruments below, if available
      • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.