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Professional Practice Committee Advertising Listing Form

The Autism SA Marketing and Communications Team manage communications with the wider community, including individuals on the spectrum, family members, professionals, education and government bodies through digital newsletters and social media channels. The service may be limited depending on available space and the nature of articles for inclusion.

Autism SA’s standard listing package includes publication in two editions of the Infomail digital newsletter (consecutive and within recruitment dates specified if possible), one social media posting (either Facebook or Twitter) and display on Autism SA’s website for the duration of the recruitment period specified below. In special circumstances additional advertising may be discussed.

The cost for this service is $220 inc GST for commercial entities and $90 inc GST for not-for-profits and government agencies.

Advertising Listing Form

  • DD slash MM slash YYYY
  • DD slash MM slash YYYY
  • Project Details

    Project details for promotion on the Autism SA website, newsletters and social media accounts.
  • project summary for potential participants to read. Can include contact details email, website link, etc.
  • Please upload any available marketing materials including brochures, flyers, branding and style guidelines
    Drop files here or
    Max. file size: 25 MB.
    • I agree to Autism SA’s terms of trade as available on the Autism SA website at I understand I will be invoiced for the advertisement.