Autism SA is unable to provide emergency assistance
For urgent assistance or other enquiries, please call the services listed below
If it is an emergency or if someone is in danger, phone 000 (triple zero).

Alcohol and Drug Information Service
ADIS is a confidential telephone counselling, information and referral service for individuals, concerned family and friends, students and health professionals.
Telephone 1300 131 340
Alcohol and drug information service
8:30am and 10:00pm 7 days

Beyond Blue
Support and information around depression and anxiety to help people achieve their best possible mental health, whatever their age and wherever they live.
Telephone 1300 224 636
24 hours 7 days

Carer Gateway
Australia-wide network of Carer Gateway service providers, including emergency respite.
Telephone 1800 422 737
24 hours 7 days

Relationships Australia – SA
Are here to help you make a difference in your life. We know that everyone’s life has ups and downs and challenging times can make it difficult to cope. We offer a range of services that are oriented to enabling people to bring about a difference in their lives and achieve positive change.
Telephone 1800 182 325 (Country callers) 1300 364 277
24 hours 7 days

Centrelink Disability, Sickness and Carers Line
Help with your Disability Support Pension, Mobility Allowance, Carer Payment or Carer Allowance.
Telephone 132 717
Centrelink Disability, Sickness and Carers
8am – 5pm Monday to Friday

Child Abuse Report Line (CARL)
To report a reasonable suspicion that a child has been or is being abused or neglected. In an emergency, call 000.
Telephone 132 478
24 Hours 7 days

Crisis Care
Provides a response to child abuse and neglect matters, along with crisis situations relating to children who are under the care of the Guardianship of the Minister.
Telephone 131 611
4-9pm Mon – Fri & 24 Hours Sat, Sun & Public holidays

Department of Human Services
The Department of Human Services (DHS) brings together a range of services, funding and policy responsibilities which together support fairness, opportunity and choice for all South Australians.
Telephone 136 150

Kids Helpline
Free confidential 24/7 online and phone counselling service for young people aged 5 to 25. Qualified counsellors are available via WebChat, phone or email anytime and for any reason.
Telephone 1800 551 800
24 Hours 7 days

Lifeline is available to anyone who is experiencing a personal crisis or thinking about suicide, regardless of age, gender, ethnicity, religion or sexual orientation. If life is in danger, phone 000 (triple zero).
Telephone 131 114
24 Hours 7 days

MensLine Australia
Telephone and online counselling service offering support for Australian men anywhere, anytime
Telephone 1300 789 978
24 Hours 7 days

Mental Health Triage Service
The SA Health Mental Health Triage Service provides advice and information in a mental health emergency or crisis situation and will assess and refer to acute response teams where appropriate.
Telephone 131 465
24 Hours 7 days

The NDIS provides support to people with disability through individual funding. Contact them directly to see if you are eligible.
Telephone 1800 800 110

Parent Helpline
Provides information about health, behaviour and relationships to parents of children from birth to 5 years who live anywhere in South Australia/
Telephone 1300 364 100
24 Hours 7 days

Suicide Call Back Service
A national telehealth provider that offers free professional phone and online counselling for people for people at risk of suicide, and their carers.
Telephone 1300 659 467
24 Hours 7 days

Women’s Information Service
Help and advice on relationships, legal matters, housing, finances, material assistance, work, education and preventing violence.
Telephone 1800 188 158 or 8303 0590
9am – 5pm Monday to Friday

Yarrow Place
24 hour crisis response service responding to adult rape and sexual assault, including social worker support, medical care by a doctor or nurse, and collection of forensic evidence for people who are considering legal action.
Telephone 1800 817 421 or 8226 8777
24 Hours 7 days

13 Yarn
If you, or someone you know, are feeling worried or no good, we encourage you to connect with 13YARN on 13 92 76 (24 hours/7 days) and talk with an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander Crisis Supporter.
Telephone 13 92 76
24 Hours 7 days