Immediate Vacancies: Occupational Therapy & Speech Pathology Services


All ages


Occupational Therapy

Occupational Therapists at Autism SA have the training and experience required to assess the development needs of individuals on the autism spectrum of all ages, and develop therapy programs that support individuals to undertake everyday living, education, social and work activities. 

Learn more about Occupational Therapy


What services do Autism SA occupational therapists provide?

  • Functional Capacity Assessments
  • Assessments of specific skills e.g. toileting
  • 1:1 therapy
  • Group therapy
  • Aquatic therapy

Speech Pathology

Speech Pathologists support individuals who have a range of communication difficulties, including speaking, listening, understanding, using language and applying it in various contexts and environments for two-way communication.

Learn more about Speech Pathology


What services do Autism SA speech pathologists provide?

  • Assessment of speech, language and literacy
  • Alternative and Augmentative Communications (ACC) assessment
  • 1:1 therapy

  • Group therapy
  • Multi-disciplinary mealtime assessments, including the implementation of Oral Eating and Drinking Care Plans and Mealtime Support Plans
  • Parent education and training
  • Non face-to-face services including individualised resources and clinical information


How can I access Speech Pathology and Occupational therapy services at Autism SA?


Register for Occupational Therapy services


Register for Speech Pathology services


Autism SA is accredited and registered as a provider through the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA). This means that you can pay for services at Autism SA with your NDIS funding, or you may pay yourself, through fee for service at the following locations:

  • Autism SA’s Tonsley or Elizabeth clinics
  • Your childcare center or kindergarten
  • At school
  • In your home
  • Online via Telehealth

person in an aquatic therapy session with an Autism SA therapist