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Please, speak up

We value what you, and the people that care about you, think about Autism SA.

If you have a concern about your supports or services, it is important that you talk about it. You have the right to speak up and share your feelings on any of the services or supports you receive from us. We know that sometimes it is hard to provide bad feedback, but it helps us to understand what is important to you and helps us to improve so we are better for you and other people we support.

We also like to hear from you if you think we are doing a good job or if you have an idea on how we can do something better.


How to speak up

There are a few ways you can provide feedback.

  • You can complete the form below.
  • You can talk to any of our staff in person.
  • You can call us on 8379 6976.
  • You can email us at
  • You can write to us at:
    Autism SA Complaints and Feedback
    PO Box 556, Melrose Park, DC SA, 5039


Do you need help to speak up?

If you need help to speak up we can help you. We can arrange an interpreter if you want one. You can also ask your family, friend or an independent person to speak up for you.

There are lots of independent agencies that can help you to speak up. You can find someone close to you by putting your postcode into the Australian Government Disability Advocacy Finder.

You can also contact the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission on 1800 035 544 or go to their website


What happens next

We will let you know we have received your feedback within 2 working days.

Depending on the type of feedback, we might be able to resolve it straight away. If we need to make some more enquiries, or if your feedback is about something more complex we might take a bit longer to resolve it.

If you give us your details we will keep you up to date on any actions we are taking because of your feedback.


Your personal information and confidentiality

We only use your information for the reason it was collected. Go to Autism SA’s Privacy Policy for more information.

We will keep your feedback confidential, and only talk to other staff if we need their help to resolve any issues.

You don’t have to give us your name or contact information if you don’t want to. We will still accept your feedback and take any action to improve our services.


You can speak to the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission

If you don’t want to talk to us about your feedback, or if you are not happy with the action we have taken from your feedback, you can contact the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission.


Further information

Our Be kind.pdf policy describes our zero tolerance to verbal, aggressive and violent abuse and behaviour towards our staff, clients and visitors.

Our Complaints and Feedback Brochure will give you more information about how we manage feedback and complaints.

You can read our Feedback and Complaints Management Policy. We also have an Easy English version of this policy.

The NDIS Commission’s complaints website gives you more information about when you are not happy with your provider.