Building Employer Confidence: Inclusive Recruitment Project Branding Survey

Important Announcement 

We are creating a FREE resource and we need your help completing this short survey.

This resource, co-designed by employers and neurodivergent individuals, aims to increase employers’ confidence and ability in using inclusive recruitment practices and highlight the benefits of neurodiversity in the workforce.


About the Project

The Project aims to build employers’ confidence and ability in using inclusive recruitment practices to increase neurodiversity in the workforce. Through your help we will design and create a user-friendly, contemporary resource to empower employers to use inclusive recruitment practices in Australia.


Aim of the Survey

We are collecting preferences on the resource name, logo, and colors through this short survey. The options have been co-designed by a range of stakeholders, including the National Advisory Group.



  • Eligibility: You must be over 18 years of age and reside in Australia.
  • Support: You can have someone assist you in completing the survey.
  • Frequency: You can only complete this survey once.
  • Close date: The survey closes on Sunday, 21 July 2024.
  • Format: The survey consists of six choice questions.

By participating, you are helping to shape a resource that promotes inclusive recruitment practices and supports neurodiversity in the workplace.

Take the Survey


Thank you for your support and participation!