Exams can be a big cause of stress for all students, however certain aspects of exams can be particularly stressful for autistic students. These stresses can be from the lack of exposure to an exam situation, the unfamiliar sensory environment where the exam is being held, and the pressure behind the success of an exam can be overwhelming.
It is recommended that educators and parents attend this webinar to learn helpful tips and tricks to help best support their child or student to achieve their best.
If this workshop is full, please contact Emma Bennett on
Workshop Definitions
General Workshops are designed to give participants an introduction to understanding the autism spectrum and provides workshop participants with the knowledge of key strategies to support individuals in a range of settings.
In Focus Workshops are designed for participants who have a good, current understanding of autism and are looking for a more in-depth understanding relating to a particular area of the autism field. This greater knowledge in turn provides greater confidence in applying strategies to support individuals in this area. It is recommended that participants attend an Autism SA General Workshop prior to attending an In-Focus Workshop or Masterclass unless they have a good, current understanding of autism.
Masterclass Workshops are based on the concept that there is always more to learn. Masterclasses are short intensive workshops that are designed to provide participants who already have a sound current understanding of autism, with specific and extended content relating to a particular topic, strategy or program.